Pool pass applications are available at the VE Pool and the VE Clubhouse.

You can call the pool directly in season at 267-454-0011 or call the VE office at (215) 675-5380 and request an application by mail. All VE members were sent an application and information in the spring along with the April Waldesrauschen.

DAILY POOL RATES – Member must accompany guest

Member Adult $8.00
Member Youth to age 18 $6.00
Guest Adult $12.00
Guest Youth to age 18 $8.00
Children under 4 years of age are free

DISCOUNT PASS (10 visits) Sold only to Members – Member must accompany guest

Member Adult $72.00
Member Youth to age 18 $54.00
Guest Adult $108.00
Guest Youth to age 18 $72.00

EVENING SPECIAL 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily – Member must accompany guest

Member – Adult/Youth $3.00
Guest – Adult/Youth $4.00


Members and their guests are reminded that they must follow the VE Pool Rules!